Lit by Amrita Chandra 14th May 2021
Dear Menos, Thank you for your energy, enthusiasm, encouragement, creativity and humour. Anatomy has always been fascinating, your teaching gave me a solid foundation that came in handy for the surgical path I took for a while and I still remember your humourous anatomical anecdotes today. I'm sorry I never wrote that reply to you after the email you sent me. I know you know that I had every intention to but us "young people are always busy". That is a terrible excuse so please forgive me. The anatomy text book you were writing would have been incredible and your teaching legacy will live on forever in every student you have taught. The world has lost a fantastic person and teacher. Thank you for everything, it's been "super"..(how to remember supination- the rotating movement of the wrist because you turn your palm upwards and get a tip - super!) My love and respect always from one of your many students who admired and were inspired by you, Amrita
This candle was first lit on the 14th of May 2021 and will burn for 96 years 11 months and 26 days.